I am a researcher.

In fact, I think I am possessed by a spirit that will never rest till it pushes me to ransack things till I find what is hidden somewhere.
At times, I don’t really need the things oh.

I just derive an intense pleasure from looking for things.

That was how I went on a ransack trip to my Mummy’s room many years ago.

I found a paper; a photocopied material with the caption:

“How To Determine The Sex Of Your Baby”.

I turned to its back and I saw the following words written in my Mummy’s characteristic beautiful writing:

“A gift to all my children on their wedding days, whether I am alive or not.”

If you are new to this page, you may not have known that I have four beautiful sisters and no brothers, and that my Mum and we were literally thrown out of my father’s house because we are not boys and my Mum could not produce one.

Now you know.

I have experienced firsthand, the intense fear in that woman’s heart for all of us.

“You need to have boys.” She repeatedly told us.

“So that what happened to me will not happen to you.”

That was why she carefully preserved that sheet of paper on which, she believed, was written the precept for our survival in our marriages.

But, there was a lot my Mummy did not know.

My Mummy did not know that her experience was the exception and not the rule.

That there is a fine breed of men on this planet, whose hearts God has touched,

Who have shaken off the dust of societal expectations and worldliness,

Who are on a different plane entirely, with steel in their eyes, fire in their hearts and flint in their necks,

Who understand that marriage is a divine mandate to bring down the Kingdom of God on earth, and not just a fulfilment of what parents and relatives want; an achievement of sorts.

Men who are too holy to commit adultery, too focused to listen to the noise of the world, too busy to look this way and that.

The seven thousand knees who have not bowed to Baal.


My Mummy did not know.

But, I know.

I know because I am married to one of such men.

A man who travails in prayer for me, believes in my dreams and constantly nudges me forward to fulfil them.

Dear Brothers and Men of Valour, the world may not have given you credit for your deafness to the noise on this planet, because vile men have ruined the reputation of your species.

But, I celebrate you today.

Because you exist, albeit few and far between.

Dear Sisters and Women of Virtue, do not allow the people of the world deceive you into believing that godly men are extinct.

That’s a lie.

They are there,

With the Spirit of Yaweh dwelling in their hearts.

Do not settle for less.

My Mummy did not know this.

But I know.

And I want you to know.

Every Blessing!